Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Great First Date Ideas

You can get so sidetracked picking the right outfit and waxing your car; you forget to find something better to do than the boring dinner and movie. Let us help. Here are some excellent choices for first date ideas:

Comedy Theater
Laughing together can break the ice better than anything else. Take in a comedy show and relax together whilst you giggle away the evening. Just avoid too much alcohol or offensive performers.

If youre looking for a casual way to relate to each other and break the ice, try a friendly game of pool. Eight Ball is simple to understand, and if things really go well, you might be able to help her improve her break.

Miniature Golf
So eighteen holes would be a bit much for almost any date, but ten holes of putt-putt might be right up your alley. Nobody does exceptionally well at miniature golf, but it is always fun to play especially if you cheat a little bit every now and then. Let those secrets help bring you closer.

Dinner Theater
There is nothing wrong with dinner and show, but try a show that sizzles. Skip the cinema, and find a quality dinner theater. Watch professionals act without the assistance of computer animated special effects whilst you enjoy a meal together. The arts are always an excellent choice.

There is no need to sign away your entire evening to a first date. Start small. Try meeting for coffee just to size each other up. If a coffee date goes well, extend the date by heading off for grander adventures together.

While a heavy metal concert might not be the best place to try and get to know each other, a concert in the park or jazz festival might be perfect. Appreciate music together and have a basis for continuous conversation.

Who says a date cant be educational? Enjoy an art or history museum and learn together. If you havent visited a museum lately, you might be amazed at the exhibits available.

Picnics can be romantic or casual, and for a first date you should shoot for the latter. Grab a few basics and head out to the park or beach. Enjoying a meal out of doors is relaxing and a perfect opportunity to get to know each other better.

Botanical Garden
Surround yourself in natural beauty at botanical gardens. Quiet strolls through rose bushes and koi ponds offer a sense of peace and tranquility. It would not be advisable to pick any of the flowers for your date, but you can certainly bring along a camera and take pictures together.

Ice Cream
Are you not ready to commit to a full-scale date? Try something simple like ice cream. Find a good ice cream shop and let yourself go wild. Diets dont exist on first dates, so get an extra scoop and then enjoy the afternoon together as you stroll and visit.

Ron Zvagelsky has a degree in Business Administration from the University of Southern California. He graduated Magna Cum Laude in May 2006. He is currently the Chief Executive Officer of -- a new interactive planning website.Anita Blog88604
Brynne Blog22048

Conversion Service Makes Life Simpler

At a time and space where deadlines are always for yesterday and each one of us is running against the clock, the efficiency and speed of any service is becoming of paramount importance. Most of the business and work these days is conducted over the internet and maintaining data and records in hard copy has been reduced to just a necessary protocol. Hence when any information is required we expect it to be available on the internet. The click of a mouse, a simple search on one of the popular search engines and we expect the results to be available at a moments notice. The same efficiency expectancy holds true for any information regarding conversion service that offers the conversion values for various measurements such as area, length, mass, temperature, speed and volume. A person can simply log onto a website that offers this kind of service and get all data easily available at his fingertips.

Also when a business is carried out in multi-locations spreading to different countries, it is always easier to transact on the basis on a single, uniform standard measurement for all objects. Conversion service helps a business do just that by easily making the conversion values available through a particular website. It is also a major advantage for people who are dealing with counterparts from other places where the same system of measurement is not followed. A simple task like enquiring about the weather and temperature at a particular place for comparison with another location can get confusing for some if it is in different systems of measurement like Celsius and Fahrenheit. A conversion service offered by any website solves any such inconvenience.

A new country, new place, new culture and new people can be intimidating for any person. Adding to the woes in the different measurements systems followed in the different countries which further hampers the day to day life of the newcomer. A conversion service can simplify life as far as the confusion with measurements is concerned and any concern regarding area, temperature, volume, mass, length and speed is easily sorted out through this service. The internet has truly helped in making the world a smaller place and conversion service adds to the convenience of getting to know a place better. It helps to do away with the confusion and fear regarding dealings in a foreign country and helps any person to achieve a certain level of self sufficiency.

Conversion service has opened up a whole new world for many people who are not very confident or comfortable about even the simplest mathematical calculations that are involved in converting data from one measurement to the other. Conversion service helps one keep in close touch with the world in terms of measurements and saves a person from ignorance and the resulting embarrassment. Now you dont need to sport a blank look everytime people are conversing about acres while you are only comfortable with square yards. Conversion service makes sure that you are never out of place again.

Amit Bhalla works to help all those who want information about the latest and the best, most happening places in the city. To know more about local search services delhi,search service delhi,Yellow Pages India, Local Search Service,Local search India conversion service visit http://www.myquest.inCeil Blog3283
Bettine Blog7905

Chiropractic Is Responsable For The Rebirth Of Homeopathy In America

The history of homeopathy begins with the discoveries of its founder Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician. Hahnemann's first comments about the general applicability of the law of similars came in 1789.

Maybe the most prevalent reason that allopaths disliked homeopaths and homeopathy was expressed at a 1903 AMA (American Medical Association) meeting by a distinguished orthodox physician. "We must," he said, "admit that we never fought the homeopath on matters of principle; we fought him because he came into the community and got the business." Most physicians, even now, will not admit that economic factors play a chief role in what is practiced and what is allowed to be practiced. It only makes sense then that Hahnemann's principles constituted a philosophical, clinical, and economic threat to orthodox medicine.

The growing popularity of homeopathy in the United States started shortly after Hans Gram, a Danish homeopath, emigrated in the US in 1825.

The first homeopathic school in the US, the North American Academy of the Homoeopathic Healing Art, was founded in Allentown, PA, 1836 , by Dr. W. Wesselhoeft (1794-1858) .

Dr. von Lippe emigrating to the United States in 1839. He presented himself to the sole school of the homeopathic practice in this country - the old Allentown Academy of the Homoeopathic Healing Art. After assiduous application he was granted his diploma from

Dr. Constantine Hering (1800-1880), as President of the institution, on July 27, 1841. Dr. von Lippe filled the chair of materia medica in the Homoeopathic College of Pennsylvania from 1863 to 1868 .

In 1844 they organized the American Institute of Homeopathy, which became America's first national medical society. In response to the growth of homeopaths, in 1846 an opposing medical group formed, which then vowed to slow the development of homeopathy. This organization called itself the AMA or American Medical Association.

Shortly after the formation of the AMA it was decided to eliminate all the local medical societies of physicians who were homeopaths.

In 1848, the Homeopathic College of Pennsylvania was established by Constantine Hering, Jacob Jeanes and Walter Williamson, to provide training in what was then an emerging system of medicine called homeopathy. In 1869, the Homeopathic College was renamed in honor of Samuel Hahnemann, one of the pioneers of homeopathic medicine, as Hahnemann Medical College. In 1982, Hahnemann Medical College gained university status as Hahnemann University. In 2002, the Drexel University board of trustees voted unanimously in favor of merging Hahnemann University into Drexel .

In 1849, the AMA established a board to analyze quack remedies and nostrums and to enlighten the public about the nature and dangers of such remedies.

In 1855, the AMA put into effect a "consultation clause" in their code of ethics which spelled out that orthodox physicians would lose their membership in the AMA if they even only consulted with a homeopath or any other "unorthodox" practitioner. This of course meant that if a physician lost membership in the AMA, that in some states he no longer had a license to practice medicine. The AMA did everything possible to eradicate homeopaths from the practice of medicine, and the effects of these actions are still felt today.

1875 marked the year Michigan legislature voted to give money to a new hospital as long two homeopathic professors were allowed to teach at the University of Michigan.

In a 1890 Harpers Magazine article Mark Twain mentioned the great value of homeopathy: "The introduction of homeopathy forced the old school doctor to stir around and learn something of a rational nature about his business. Good old Mark also proclaimed "that you may honestly feel grateful that the homeopath survived attempts of the allopathists to destroy it."

By the early 1900s, there were 22 homeopathic medical schools, more than 100 homeopathic hospitals, over 60 orphan asylums and old people's homes and more than 1,000 homeopathic pharmacies in the United States.

In 1910, the Carnegie Foundation issued the infamous Flexner Report, an evaluation of American medical schools headed by Mr. Abraham Flexner and of course in cooperation with leading members of the AMA. While pretending to at least be somewhat objective, Flexner in his report established guidelines to endorse orthodox medical schools and condemn homeopathic ones. The report gave the most credits to medical schools with a full time teaching faculty and institutions that taught a pathological and physiochemical analysis of the human body. Homeopathic colleges did not get as high credits because there preference of employing professors who were not only teachers or researchers but also in clinical practice. Even though homeopathic schools included many basic science courses, they offered courses in pharmacology, which the Flexner report found to be a waist of time.

By 1906, the AMAs Council on Medical Education had created a list of unacceptable schools that in 1910, and closed hundreds of private medical and homeopathic schools and named Johns Hopkins as the model school. As you might have guessed, homeopathic colleges, in general, were given poorer ratings by Mr. Flexner's report. One of the implications of the report was that only graduates of schools that received a high rating were permitted to take the medical licensing exams. In 1900 there were 22 homeopathic colleges, by 1923 only two remained.

Between 1930 and 1975 it seemed that the AMA's oppression of homeopathy was complete. By 1950 all homeopathic colleges in the U.S were either closed or ceased to teach homeopathy. There were only 50 to 150 practicing homeopaths in the country, and most of them were over 50 years old.

A chiropractor, Dr. John Bartholomew Bastyr, N.D., D.C (1912-1995), was a third-generation homeopath from Dr. Adolph von Lippe. His teacher was Dr. C. P. Bryant (who had been, in 1939, president of the International Hahnemannian Association). C. P. Bryant had been taught by Walter Bushrod James who had been one of Lippes closest students. He received doctorate degrees in naturopathy and chiropractic from Northwest Drugless Institute and Seattle Chiropractic College, respectively. He became licensed to practice naturopathic medicine in 1936. He is also credited with being the Father of Modern Naturopathic Medicine. Because of Bastyrs influence naturopaths have been at the forefront of the rebirth of homeopathy in this country. He made sure that homeopathy shared equal emphasis with nutrition, hydrotherapy and botanical medicine in naturopathic education. Dr. Bastyr considered manipulation the most important therapy in his practice.

"Bastyr's conversion to homeopathy was an important move for the modern naturopathic profession. Homeopathy had been part of naturopathic medicine for decades, but its role had been much more peripheral. The majority of practitioners had not received such intensive, classical instruction as Bastyr. In the 1950's when Bastyr became involved in establishing and teaching a naturopathic curriculum at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, his balanced emphasis of homeopathy as a therapeutic modality coequal with nutrition, hydrotherapy and botanical medicine assured its place in the ongoing development of naturopathic science."

-Kirshfeld and Boyle, Nature Doctors, Buckeye Naturopathic Press, 1994

Naturopathy, which combined nature cure with homeopathy, massage, spinal manipulation, and therapeutic electricity, was developed in America largely through the work of Benedict Lust (pronounced loost; 1872-1945). From 1900-1938, naturopathic medicine flourished in America. Interest then declined, due to the emergence of miracle medicine, surgical advances during WWII, and the growing political sophistication of the American Medical Association (AMA). Chiropractic and naturopathy were taught together until about 1955 when the National Chiropractic Association stopped granting accreditation to schools that also taught naturopathy. In 1956, doctors founded the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in an attempt to keep the profession alive.

Dr. John Bastyr served as executive director. A chiropractor, naturopath and obstetrician, he began his practice in Seattle in the depths of the Great Depression; Bastyr was so revered as a physician and teacher that the Naturopathic College in Seattle was named in his honor. The key to Bastyrs legendary clinical successes lay in his basic philosophy. In a 1985 interview, asked to distinguish between naturopathy and conventional medicine, he said, The basic difference is that in naturopathy its not the doctor who does the curing, its the patient.

In 1978, after twenty years with only one legitimate college graduating naturopathic physicians (National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, OR), the first new naturopathic medical school, Bastyr University, was opened in Seattle, WA. In 1987, Bastyr University became the first naturopathic college to become accredited by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education, which is the federally recognized accrediting agency for naturopathic medical colleges.

There are four recognized naturopathic medical colleges in the United States today: Bastyr University, National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Sciences, and University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine. There is also one in Canada, the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. Naturopathic medical training begins with a conventional premedical education. The student progresses to a four-year, scientificallybased medical school program. The first two years concentrate on standard medical school sciences such as anatomy, physiology, chemistry, etc. The second two years are oriented toward the clinical sciences, diagnosis and treatment. Standard medical techniques are taught along with mainstay naturopathic medical therapies. The end product of a naturopathic medical school program is a well-rounded family care physician that specializes in such therapies as: nutrition, botanical medicines, and homeopathy.

The Council on Homeopathic Education is the only organization that accredits training programs in classical homeopathy. To date, it has accredited five institutions: Bastyr University of Natural Health Sciences in Seattle; College of Naturopathic Medicine in Canada, Hahnemann Medical Clinic in Albany, California; the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, and the International Foundation for Homeopathy, also in Seattle. Notice that three of those are actually naturopathic schools fonded by chiropractors.

Brian Inglis (1916-1993), a distinguished British historian, commentator, and author of a two-volume work, The History Of Medicine, has declared: the rise of Chiropractichas been one of the most remarkable social phenomena in American Historyyet it has gone virtually unexplored (Inglis, THE CASE FOR UNORTHODOX MEDICINE, 1965). He was, at the time, unaware of the profound influence chiropractic would have on modern alternative medicine (CAM) as we know today.

Not only did chiropractic saved both the naturopathic and homeopathic professions from extinction in the United States, but it also brougth solid academic grounds for their development towards well recognized health sciences.

Dr Sylvain Desforges, B.Sc., D.C., D.O., N.D. :

Dr. Sylvain Desforges is a doctor of chiropractic, osteopathy and naturopathy.Casie Blog49832
Brietta Blog59492

Texas Schools See Increase In Number Of AP Exams Taken And Improved Results

The Texas schools released figures in September 2006, showing substantial increases in the number of Texas schools students taking Advanced Placement (AP) exams, as well as their resulting scores.

High schools across the nation are allowed to teach college-level coursework that is first approved by the College Board, the national administrator of the AP exams. Under current rules, a high school need only sign a form promising to teach the specific curriculum for any class to be designated AP.

When Texas schools students take and pass an AP exam with a high enough score, they receive college credit for the course, which they will not have to take when they attend college. Not only does this allow college-bound students to take fewer courses in college to fulfill their degree requirements, but it also means that they and their parents save money on the cost of college tuition.

Many Texas schools districts see this as a win-win situation that encourages students and provides incentives for them to attend college after graduating high school. Here is some of the information released by the Texas schools:

The number of high school students in the Texas schools that took AP exams increased from 80,240 in 2002 to 122,969 in 2006 more than a 50 percent increase;

The number of Texas schools students, who scored high enough to earn college credit in 2006, increased by more than 40 percent from 2002;

There was a total of 224,168 tests taken in 2006 and 49 percent of these scores were three or higher this is a slight drop from the 53 percent of three of higher scores in 2002;

English language, English literature, and U.S. history remain the most popular of the 35 AP exams available; and

Italian, Latin literature, French literature, microeconomics, and physics of electricity and magnetism were the least popular.

To encourage students to participate in AP coursework, as well as to take and pass the exams, many Texas schools districts provide cash incentives to both their students and teachers. They partner with nonprofit donor organizations or use foundation grants to fund their AP incentives. Some students and teachers earn from $100 to $300 for each exam passed. The incentives must work, since all of the schools using them have seen a dramatic increase in the number of students taking and passing the exams. Galvestons Ball High School, for example, expects to receive $15,800 this year in student-earned incentives.

The Texas schools attributed their improved results for 2006 to the cash incentives, incentives to reduce exam costs for students (up to $80 for each exam), increased teacher training, and the overall push by the Texas schools to create a college-bound culture within their high schools.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on schools visit Blog24169
Aretha Blog47142

Introduction to Credit Cards

You probably already know what a credit card is. You see the ads every day - in the television, on the radio, in the newspapers or on billboard advertisements. Your friends, parents and relatives use them all the time. But just to clear up any misinformation, lets look at what credit cards are, why you should have one and what risks are involved with using one.

Simply stated, a credit card is a financial arrangement between you the card holder and a financial institution such as a bank or credit union. The arrangement specifies that you can borrow money from the lender as long as you promise to pay them back in the future. The lender sets the terms for the deal, including how often payments are due, what the minimum payment will be and what interest rates will apply. Your payment will include not just the amount of money you borrowed, but also an additional charge based on that rate of interest.

Credit cards can be used as a tool, offering many benefits for consumers. Some of these benefits include:

Convenience: With a credit card, you can buy anything you want right away, whether or not you have the cash available at the time. If youre purchasing a big ticket item like a computer or a washing machine, you dont have to wait for months until you save up the money.

Emergency Protection: If youre ever in an emergency, youll see how helpful a credit card can be. Whether youre stuck with medical bills or auto repair fees, using a credit card can help you get back on your feet again.

Security: Large amounts of cash can be lost or stolen. But if your credit card goes missing, you can have the account cancelled and a new card issued without losing any of your money.

Building Your Credit: If you dream of buying a house or really nice car, you need to have a credit history that demonstrates you can take on debt and pay it back on schedule. You can use a credit card to make small purchases and build up your credit score by paying your statement on time.

When used responsibly, credit cards can help improve our daily lives. But the temptation to live beyond your means and max out your credit limit can be a problem. Thats why its important to think of your credit cards as tools that you can use, not free tickets for anything you want. Here are some simple tips to help you cope with your credit card debt:

Make a Budget: One of the first steps to financial freedom is a realistic budget. If you dont already have one, check out the article Creating a Budget on Smart Young Money and set one up for yourself. Sticking to a budget will help keep you from splurging with your credit card.

Set a Limit: Many analysts recommend keeping your credit card balance around 30% of your credit limit for maximum benefit in the formula used to calculate your credit score. Promise yourself not to exceed that limit and you wont have with out-of-control credit card debt.

Go Back to Cash: If youre having trouble keeping your credit card in your pocket, switch back to cash for awhile. When you use a credit card, you dont get the same feeling of having forked over your hard-earned cash, so youre prone to spending more. Using cash for a bit will help you remember that little purchases add up.

Get Credit Counseling: If your debt gets out of control, talk to someone! Ignoring your credit problems wont make them go away it will only make them worse. Talk to your parents or a trusted friend who may be able to help, or consider getting help from a group or institutions that can help you with your problems.

Credit cards can be helpful tools, but the potential for abuse always exists. Taking the time to learn how to use credit cards properly can help you prepare for a bright financial future.

This article was published by Sarah Russell on Smart Young Money a collection of money management resources for teens and young adults. For great information on using credit, managing debt and more for young people, visit Blog16346
Camel Blog76521

Cut Your Domestic Fuel Bill. Save Energy And Money.

Most homeowners are energy conscious and would like to do more but the cost of installing energy saving items can be prohibitive. If your boiler is inefficient and you need to replace it with a more efficient system, it could cost you thousands of pounds.

In addition domestic wind turbines, solar panels and ground source heat pumps are expensive and take over ten years to recover your investment. Most homeowners are keen to introduce changes but are trapped by rising costs. With rising fuel cost, homeowners are likely to turn their heating down to save money. This could see the return of hypothermia amongst the elderly this winter.

There is a very effective way to save money and improve the efficiency of your boiler without excessive cost. Attach a magnet to the fuel feed pipe of your central heating burner and you immediately improve combustion. A good magnet cost 65 plus postage but the benefits are enormous and long lasting.

The magnet conditions the gas or oil allowing it to mix better with air. The combustion is, therefore, improved. With better combustion, more energy is produced for the same fuel. If you are contemplating changing your boiler because it is inefficient or old, attach a magnet first and notice the excellent savings you will make. The more inefficient your boiler the more you save because the magnet will improve combustion to as near to 100% as you can get.

With improved combustion, the burner will need less servicing. In time the magnet will gradually clean the burner of deposited soot. Your service engineer may ask you if you used the burner since last serviced because it will be so clean. Your burner will last longer.

You save money on your domestic fuel bills, your maintenance and prolong the life of your boiler.

With Climate change a major issue, the magnet by providing a cleaner burn, will reduce harmful emission from your burner. This will be an important problem in time as governments tighten emission from domestic central heating systems. A magnet will help you comply with future changes in emission laws.

Even though you are still using fossil fuel, by attaching a magnet you are making efficient use of it.

In the past magnets were large and heavy but with new alloys, magnets are small, light and more powerful. A neodymium magnet of say 8000 gauss weigh 20 gms while the comparable Alnico magnet weighs 90 Kg. A neodymium magnet retains its magnetic properties for 100 years.

Magnets are easy to fit. Just identify the fuel pipe leading to the burner then attach to this pipe by straps and simply forget about it. The next thing you will do is turn the setting of your central heating system down because your home and your water will be hotter at that setting.

Magnets do not need maintenance. It will continue to be effective and when you move house, just remove it and attach it to the boiler in your new home.

With rising fuel cost, it makes sense to attach a magnet to your boiler this winter. You will recover your cost in no time.

If your grandparents or parents are likely to be affected this winter by the rising fuel cost, why dont you fit a magnet for them as a winter warmer present? Isnt it nice to know that they will turn the setting of their heating system down not to save money but because it is too hot?

Copyright 2006 Dr Phil Hariram

Dr.Phil Hariram is an Independent Ecoflow Distributor. He has cut his monthly direct debit heating bill for Calorgas(LPG) by 110% by attaching a Thermoflow magnet manufactured by Ecoflow, a innovative company that patented Central Reverse Polarity in magnets.Bellanca Blog52355
Anita Blog85039

Top 40 'Things Said On Christmas Day' - EVERY Year!

Top 20 Statements, Comments & Questions At Christmas time

1 This single cream seems to be thicker than the double cream
2 Who's gonna pull this cracker with me?
3 Put your Christmas party hat on, you miserable git.
4 Where did you buy your crackers?, they're really good.
5 Do you want stuffing, Grandma?
6 Calm down you kids, you're all over excited!
7 That was you, you filthy pig!
8 What's your joke, Brian, what did you get in your cracker?
9 It's a shame to throw the paper away, isn't it?
10 The Queen's on in a minute, Mum!
11 I would give it a few minutes before you go in there - phew!
12 You won't eat all that, put a small amount onyou can always come back for more.
13 Chocolate anyone?
14 Does your mum still take sugar?
15 The turkey's lovely, isn't it?
16 Can someone pass the sprouts?
17 Don't you like Christmas pudding? - how strange.
18 You don't like mince pies? - how strange.
19 Who's gonna eat the sixpence from the Christmas pud? - ha ha ha
20 Where did we go last year, love?.

20 Comments, Statements & Questions At Christmas time -
From Children

1 Daddy, can you build this for me.
2 Mummy, can YOU build this for me.
3 Daddy, have you got a screwdriver
4 Daddy, have you got any of this size battery
5 Mummy, Jenny's just done a poo and she didn't wash her hands.
6 Mummy, I want some more
7 Daddy, Jenny's just hit me
8 I DID hit her back, look, she's on the floor.
9 This is the best Christmas I've ever had
10 Can I open another present?
11 What time is Aunty Wilma coming up?
12 Have I got any more presents to open?
13 I didn't WANT clothes
14 Mummy, I've just kicked your drink over - again.
15 I spy with my little eye - um - I don't want to play anymore.
16 Can I have another drink?
17 Mummy, Jenny's just tipped a bowl of custard over the cat.
18 Mummy, Daddy's just swear'd.
19 Daddy, this just broke off
20 Mummy - I feel sick!

©2006 Martyn Brown: Writes for many home business newsletters and magazines. To download your free copy of his current 'work from home' magazine, Visit: Blog54766
Blakeley Blog21113

The Basics Of Putting Video On Your Website

If youre not using video on your website yet, then youre missing out on a great opportunity to increase customer responsiveness to your website.

With the ever growing population of broadband users in the United States, video has become mainstream. You only need to look at the most popular sites on the Internet and see that is the 8th most popular website in the world. Youtube is a site that shows videos, so broadband is essential to using and enjoying the site. It is estimated that 65% of Internet users in the United States have broadband access, and that number is expected to grow to 80% by 2010.

However, putting video on a website can seem quite intimidating if youve never done it before. I know. Ive been in that position. When I first started learning about putting videos on the Internet I didnt even own a video camera or know how to use one.

Fortunately, technology has made putting your videos on the Internet far easier than in the past. Now you can relatively quickly film a video, add professional looking effects, upload it, and post it on your website.

What Youll Need

A computer with a firewire port and Windows XP (preferably a laptop if yours doesnt have one, you can buy an adapter)
A digital video camera
A firewire cable
A tripod
A well lit area

Those are actually the only essential tools. Now there are a lot of extra tools you can add to really add professionalism to your videos, but those are for another time. I just want to focus on helping you get your first video up.

Step 1 - Setting Up

Go ahead and put your video camera on the tripod. Setup your laptop next to the video camera. Now go ahead and plug in the firewire cable to the video camera and then to the firewire port on your computer. Your computer should automatically recognize the camera and ask you what you want to do. Click on the capture video icon. This will open up Windows Movie Maker on your computer a free program installed on all Windows XP computers (Im assuming your using a PC and not a Mac since Macs are a bit more intuitive for making videos, and you probably wont need this guide) Make sure youre area is well lit. You will want it to seem really bright in order for it to look good on video.

Step 2 - Recording the video

All you need to do is click on capture video in Windows Movie Maker and you can record your video. When youre done, just push stop.

Step 3 Editing Your Video

Once youve finished recording your video, youll see your clip showing in the collections section of Windows Movie Maker. Click on the clip and drag the clip to the timeline at the bottom of the application. Once it shows in the timeline, youre able to edit the length, and cut out parts. You can also add music or add a title screen and credits.

Step 4 Saving Your Video

Once youve finished editing your video, youre ready to save it. Just click save, and tell windows to save it in the best quality for playback on your computer format. This will keep the file from becoming huge and will make it much faster to upload.

Step 5 Uploading Your Video

Go to and sign up for a free account. Once youre signed up, click on my videos and then on upload a video. Find the file you saved on your computer and upload it to Youtube.

Step 6 Publishing To Your Website

Once youre done uploading your video. Go ahead and watch your video. To the right of the video youll see a section labeled Embed. Copy that code and paste it to the website where you want you video to appear.


Youve just put your video online.

Gary Ruplinger is the owner and operator of His site helps people learn about all aspects of online video marketing. You'll find a variety of video tutorials and guides at his site. Also, be sure to download his free report on making your site sell more with video.Aurel Blog20615
Alica Blog97818

Speaking Japanese: Learning the Language and the Cultural Etiquette

The Japanese language is considered by many to be easy to learn. Whether you wish to speak Japanese for personal reasons like travel or for professional reasons, it is important for you to consider that learning Japanese etiquette is as important as learning commonly used words and phrases.

Why is it that learning to speak Japanese is relatively easy? To begin with, there are only 5 vowel sounds:

A is voiced as ah, or the way English speakers pronounce the a in la;
I is pronounced as the English e in words like need and tea;
U is vocalized in much the same way as oo in words like cool and soon;
E is spoken with the same sound of the first e in the word letter and the e in set;
O is expressed as it is in the word told.

Knowing how each of the vowels sounds phonetically makes speaking the Japanese words less difficult.

In addition, the Japanese language is less complicated than many others because nouns are not tied to gender or number - the same word is used for one tree or many trees - and verb remains the same regardless of the subject. Unlike English, Spanish and French (and other Latin-based languages) in which you must learn different ways to conjugate the verb based on the subject, when learning Japanese, the verb will be either past tense or the present tense (ongoing actions or the suggestion of what may happen in the future are expressed with the present tense verb).

While pronunciations can be simple once you know how the vowels are spoken, and nouns and verbs are relatively easy as well, one way in which you may stumble with the language is word order. While in English sentences are typically in a subject - verb - object format, in Japanese they are presented in the order of subject - object - verb. Of course, just as we have prepositions in English, there are a number of articles in Japanese. One article used often is ka, which is used at the end of the sentence to ask a question (which is important because the question mark does not exist in Japanese).

Though challenges like punctuation exist in the written language, learning to speak and understand Japanese can be accomplished. There are many resources available online, books and flashcards, as well as computer software. By finding the one that will be most beneficial to you and practicing often, you will surely be able to learn the language.

Once you have learned the language, and even while you are learning, it is important to keep etiquette in mind because how you act has as much of an impact on how you are received as the words you use to express yourself.

Make sure that you keep the following in mind:

Unless you are very familiar with the person you are talking with, you should avoid using casual phrasings;

Avoid being loud to get someone's attention. It is better to wave or to approach them with a bow and then speak;

Use a quiet tone when speaking;

Be cautious with your body language as much of the communication that takes place is unspoken;

Always show respect for the person with whom you are speaking.

By maintaining respect for the people and cultural etiquette - you will find that beginning to communicate in Japanese is simple and, in time, you will become quite good at it.

Cory Pangelinan - Author of a Japanese Language Course teaching you How to Speak Japanese the Real way its spoken in Japan. Blog81244
Alison Blog69031

Electric Cooling Fan Switches

The work of these electric cooling fan switches is to sense the temperatures in the car engine environment and then turn on the cooling fan if cooling is needed. Different electric cooling fan switches have different temperature settings in order to enable the required operation when it reaches a desired temperature. You can set the different temperatures accordingly as per your vehicle needs.

The system of the electric fan turns on automatically when it detects any change in the temperature of the engine goes over a set point with the help of a thermostatic fan switch. It will stop when the temperature returns to normal. A thermostatic fan switch that is used by the electric cooling fan is no more than a sensor. At times, even a thematic fan switch is also used which is a mechanical switch placed inside the radiator hose to detect cooling system temperatures. A thermal switch and relay is a type of fan switch very similar to thermatic switches which allow operations thermally and when the air conditioner is in use.

An electronic thermal switch is a mechanical switch that will detect temperatures of the incoming air and is mounted on the front of the radiator core.

It is normal for your cooling fan not to run all the time. The electric cooling fan is only needed when the engine's temperature rises above a set level or when running your air conditioner. Running the cooling fan would be waste of electrical energy when it is not needed.

Electric cooling fans can be found on most autos with transverse mounted engines, most front wheel drive vehicles, and on many late model rear-wheel drive vehicles. They are used on FWD vehicles because the fan won't require a belt drive and can be mounted independently of the engine location. Best yet, electric fans require less power for operation, which provide for improved fuel economy and performance. They are quieter and provide more precise cooling.

Darren Dunner is an article writer currently writng for Blog26554
Brier Blog6196

Guitar Tuning with Natural Harmonics--Downbeating

Downbeating describes the technique whereby natural harmonics are used in tuning guitars. This is a very effective way to tune guitars that can be more accurate than just tuning by ear. It is also a great way of fine tuning once your have approximated tuning with standard techniques.

A prerequisite technique you must learn before you can use downbeating is hitting natural harmonics. Natural harmonics are produced by picking the string while lightly touching the string over the fret wire. You dont need to push the string down against the fret wire. Natural harmonics sound like a ringing chimed tone. The easiest place to practice natural harmonics is the 12th fret, but you can produce a natural harmonic at nearly every fret. It is easier to hear them when your guitar is plugged into an amp and even easier when using the overdrive channel.

Once you have mastered hitting natural harmonics downbeating is quite simple. You can use this technique to tune every string except the B string (the 2nd string). The reason for this is because the interval between the G and B string is 4 half steps rather 5 half steps like all of the other strings.

Heres how to do it. Start at the E and A string and work your way up. Simply hit the natural harmonic on the 5th fret on the lower string followed by the natural harmonic on the 7th fret of the higher string next to it. They should produce the exact same tone. For example, if you are tuning the E and A strings, hit the natural harmonic on the 5th fret of the E string followed by the natural harmonic on the 7th fret of the A string. You need to have both natural harmonic tones sounding together at the same time. If the strings are not in perfect tune together, what you will hear is the tone oscillate back and forth between the two strings. The faster the oscillation the further off tune the strings are. As you adjust the tuning peg you should hear the oscillation slow down until you only hear one non-oscillating tone. This is called downbeating. You may have to resound the harmonics a few times while you are adjusting the tuners. Once you hear only one non-oscillating tone the strings are in perfect tune with one another. Repeat the steps for all of the strings (except the B string) and youll find your guitar in perfect tune. This technique will work with any guitar acoustic or electric but is much easier to hear with an electric through the overdriven channel.

Try this proven technique, and Im sure youll enjoy the sound of your guitar in perfect tune. Visit for the best value in new and used guitars, factory 2nds, and refurbished instruments at cheap guitar prices.

E. Lucktong

E. Lucktong is an avid guitar player and performer with over 20 years of experience. Visit for great values on new and used guitars, Factory 2nd and refurbished guitars, and vintages.Callie Blog20836
Becky Blog5166

An Introductory Guide To Firewalls

A firewall, in general is a part of software or a combo of hardware and software together. The function of a firewall is to manage all outgoing and incoming traffic that goes out and comes in to your computer. Nevertheless this elucidation paints an extremely primal image about firewalls.

When we talk about computers and traffic, we talk about the switching over of data packets. Data packets are made use of by computers within a network to swap over info. This is the way we interchange info within a local area network or by means of the Internet. This is furthermore a means by which damaging computer viruses go into the computer system. What the firewall does is that it checks which packets are permitted to enter the computer and which packets are permitted to exit the computer.

Why is it necessary for the firewall to perform these tests? All this has got to do with the security of the computer system. The past has proven to us that there is nothing such as a faultless system. The most complicated computer systems also have hot faults. With the purpose of preventing these faults from coming into your system, you ought to make use of a brute force method to data packet management. Your computer ought to just communicate with the computer that you would like it to. A firewall will just permit exchange of information with the computers you decide on. It is somewhat like a telephone, which will just let you to converse with a few predefined phone numbers.

Firewalls can surely be configured, and you can alter the setting if you want nevertheless that is a different account. The primeval Greeks had an aphorism: You cannot bolt your cupboard and also fling the key in it simultaneously. Not anything is completely protected; no matter what you do, safety can and will at all times be breached if you do not take proper measures. This is the reason why firewall exists. They are similar to sentries who look after your gate, following your particular orders.

Mark Winchester is an author and electronic technician. See more articles at http://www.firewalladvice.infoBecca Blog61336
Allyson Blog45580

What Part Of I Won't Pay To Join Your VoIP Agent Program Do You Not Understand?

I have been in telecommunications for 12 years and recently had a business situation take place that I can not believe and would like to share it with anyone looking to get into a home based or agent program for telecommunications or VoIP.

Negotiations for a new SIP Trunk VoIP product for a large group of hotels that have been online with my agent for 10 years had started. No every VoIP provider deploys SIP Trunk VoIP or even knows what that is, so allow me to give you a crash course. VoIP can be expensive to use if you have an exiting PBX already in place that still is in good shape. Hence comes in SIP Trunk VoIP it allows small businesses to take advantage of all the benefits of IP telephony without the high cost of equipment. Hosted VoIP requires an IP enabled telephone and for obvious reasons that would not be cost effective for small to medium size hotels because of the cost of a new phone for every room. Hosted VoIP is a great choice for small to medium size companies that need a phone system.

Having been an agent I have always stuck to a certain set of principles and do not like it when asked to deviate from them. My main principle is I am not going to pay anything to sell a companies product. Now I do have a couple of exceptions and if I am a VoIP wholesale or if I am going to privately brand/label a product I know there are up from costs involved and have not a problem paying them, but this was strictly an agent program. With $30,000 a month in recurring revenue for 3 years.

I was told in the beginning they had an agent program application fee of $1500, I immediately holding nothing back that that was not my standard business practice or standard practices of any reputable agent programs and I would not in any way pay that fee. I received a comment as to how tough of a business woman I am and how it is admired. Subject dropped and negotiations moved forward and we were ready to go into testing mode when it was brought up again. This time it was good news as far as they are concerned because they are slashing the fee in half. Once again it doesnt matter if it is one dollar or fifteen thousand dollars. What part of I am not paying this agent application fee are they not understanding. They would be getting guaranteed minimums and three year contracts for each property over 1,080,000.00 in revenue over three years they tried to put it back on my company that if my company can not afford a $1500 agent application then what kind of company are we. A smart one I saya really smart one.

With that being said you do not have to pay money to be a VoIP telecom agent.

Lisa Kaye has been in Telecom for 12 years and has developed as an online telecommunications portal for IP telephony for businesses, residential services and agents.Cecil Blog24844
Antoinette Blog3184

Pets, Mans Best Friend

Pets. They clearly represent everything that we look for in a partner.

Affection, constant attention, and a pair of ears that listen and never quite talk back. These characteristics are just a few that allow us to bond with our furry friends. While they may never be our lifetime partner or husband material, they are our best friends. Without them, chances are we would be lost and unable to tell our secrets to the world.

When our pets become ill, the last thing we want to do is watch them suffer. We know that they are struggling to tell us whats wrong, yet it is often difficult to figure out what the problem is. With exuberant medical fees and medicines that cost more than your car payments alone, dealing with their issue can also be frightening. Fortunately, there are plenty of opportunities to take care of your pet, without taking out a loan. Herbal remedies are wonderful resources for pets who struggle with joint pain, stomach aches, or allergies. Below are just a few remedies that may alleviate some of the ailments.Surprisingly, a simple herb such as rosemary can easily help with pain relief. Since it is an anti-inflammatory, it will help with joint pains and muscle tension. If you do give this to your pet, it will allow them to live more comfortably. As a result, you will not have to pay thousands of dollars for a medical pill that may not even work. Other anti-inflammatory herbs include Aloe Vera, which is also a popular remedy when humans find themselves dealing with pain. An additional herb that is used quite frequently on pets is Dandelion. This flower actually helps with the immune system, as it treats liver or kidney deficiencies. If you use the leaves, it actually can work as a diuretic. While these are just a few herbal remedies that will help your best friend, Noni supplements tend to work the best. These nutritional products, which began in the Pacific Islands, are making large splashes in the medical industry. After it was heard that Noni Juice could help with the spreading of cancer, people flocked towards this substance. Once it was found that it can alleviate joint pain, boost immune systems, and create energy, pet owners were trying this on their furry friends. Luckily, it works just as well. You no longer have to worry that your vet will not be able to fix the problem. Noni products may actually reduce the pain, and make your pet a lot happier.

Regardless of where we live in the world, pets are our lives. For some, they are a means of comfort. It is reassuring to know that they are always there when we need them the most. For others, they simply are a best friend that could never be replaced. After all, their ears are always on turn on mode, and they are more than happy to keep your darkest secrets. For these rasons, we absolutely want to do whats best for our pets. If this means trying out alternative medicines such as Noni and herbs, then so be it. No matter what effects it has, at least we know that we gave it our all.

Pascal Erdmann is the owner of PetThoughts, a large pet community and Natures Products Ltd, distributing Noni juice and other alternative health products. Websites: Blog68240
Alice Blog83607

Get Your Pet Business Organized

When you get your pets and pet business organized, you can save a lot of time, money and headaches caused by mismanaging your inventory and your time and life. Instead of looking for things (like pet collars, medications, training instructions, website content and images) and buying duplicates because you cant find what you already have, youll be much better prepared to find and conquer your clutter.

So get ready for better organization, everything you hopefully need for your pets and business all in one place. In no particular order, try these helpful organizational tips.

Basic Offline & Online Organizing for Your Business

Your main focus with organizing is to set up a main area for gathering all of your pet information and materials together so that everything is handy, all in one place. Note that whatever organizational methods, device and systems you use do not need to be costly. Choose what works for you and is in your budget level.

Begin by taking a look around your home or other work environment. You need a place where you can establish your organizational headquarters; a spare bedroom, downstairs vacant sitting room, breezeway, basement area, outer attached storage area, shed, garage area, barn or other out building, as examples. When you find a place, start working on your organization there, focusing on these main points:

* Build up your own reference and information center with all of business documents: pet guides, pet health books, invoices, receipts, instructions for equipment, product and service brochures, etc. You can build this within a chest of drawers, file cabinets, book cases, durable plastic stackable containers or any type of shelves.

* Within your storage space, also insert folders to help separate your materials and keep things neat and easily accessible.

* Establish an area for your continued business and pet training information and other educational materials: CDs, DVDs, books, how-to tapes, audio cassettes, magazines, helpful articles clipped form newspapers and newsletters and copied off of the Internet, reports, guides and other learning aids.

* Add small shoeboxes or other storage units for holding your paper clips, staples, pens, pencils, note pads, ruler, glue stick tape measure, tape, etc.

* And when you have your main central area filled in, arrange your other business equipment (computer, fax machine, phone system, etc.) and pet supplies (extra food and treats, toys, bedding, etc.) in surrounding storage cabinets, shelves, bins or other types of units of various sizes and on nearby wall hooks. Visit your local hardware or discount stores for good organizational aids.

So plan ahead and get organized. Save time, money and aggravation when you grab what you need the first time around. And invest in your business, your customers and your self instead!

Renske Buursma, pet store owner with lots of helpful articles and a free newsletter about pet care at http://yourhealthypetsonline.comBenetta Blog62000
Alisa Blog22877

The Advantages of Online Shopping

There are many advantages to shopping online, but probably the most notable one is convenience. Considering that life has become so hectic these days, the ability to find anything and everything you need without even leaving your home is a can be a great time saver. No longer do you have to make the trek to the grocery or discount store with your kids in tow, screaming because they want everything in sight. You can order anything you want with the click of your mouse.

Another thing to think about is that many online shops offer free shipping if you order over a certain amount., for example, offers free shipping on most items if your order total is over $25. So, not only do you not have to pay for the gas to drive to the mall or store, you dont even have to pay the shipping cost for the items you order.

You will never be able to match the selection of items that you will find online. You can find anything from books, music CDs, and DVDs to electronics, cameras, and computers. Discover toys and video games that will please the kids, and keep them busy for hours another plus. You will find a never-ending selection of clothes to choose from, in sizes to fit the entire family. Not to mention shoes in every style. Jewelry and accessories are available as well. You can even order food and grocery items online.

The Internet is especially helpful when you are looking for an item that is hard to find. You can find any type of collectible imaginable, like art prints, comic books, coins, dolls, games, and cards, just to name a few. Or maybe you are looking for a part for your car that your local auto parts store doesnt carry. You can likely find it online. Along with a tool you can use to install it. Looking for a special gift for your child for Christmas or a birthday? Look no further!

Some websites allow you to comparison shop for items. One such site is allows you to search for the items you are looking for, and then compare the prices of these items from several different online shops in one place. This sure beats running all over town in search of the best deal!

Are you looking for some fitness equipment to help you get in shape? Order it online and have it delivered to your door. You can find tons of health and fitness products including treadmills, ab machines, aerobic equipment, benches, treadmills, and lots more at

Teresa Frady is webmaster of several shopping websites including, the place to shop & compare prices on merchandise online, and, an online shopping mall where you can find whatever you are shopping for.Camala Blog24262
Beitris Blog70988

What The Middlesex County Vocational School Is All About

Gail was born and raised in Trenton, New Jersey. Since this person didnt think of working after finishing from high school and become a homemaker instead, college was never a priority for this person.

The one talent this woman was cooking. The skill of cooking some exotic dishes was passed on from one generation to the next and since Gail wanted to know more about it, this person checked around to see if thee was a school that specialized in the culinary arts. The institution found was called Middlesex County Vocational School.

The Middlesex Country Vocational and Technical School is a network of public institutions scattered all around New Jersey. It is made of four campuses that are there to cater secondary school students, adults and people who have special needs.

Founded in the year 2000, it serves more than 140 students of different cultures. Parents and people who find it too far to see the campus in East Brunswick can try the others at Perth Amboy, Piscataway or Woodbridge.

The admissions officer explained the culinary arts would take more than a year to finish. Since the husband was very supportive, there was no problem in getting some money to pay for the tuition.

Since the couple lived nearby the cost of living was not that high compared to those who decided to live with a family or rent a place until the program was finished.

There were an equal number of men and women who were studying in the vocational school. This is because the courses offered were beneficial for both genders such as about business management, architecture, basic repairs, sales and distribution.

People who want to know more then should check out the schools website or visit the campus personally to see if this is conducive for learning.

A year later, Gail graduated and put up a small caf in Trenton. This entrepreneur made some of the dishes personally while the staff took care of the rest. As a way to give back to the community, this individual took interns from the vocational school to work in the establishment.

Gails determination to succeed just shows that everyone can be successful with a little knowledge from a vocational school. The person may not have the same passion for the culinary arts but may be interested in another field. It is advisable to find an ideal program first then enroll in it regardless if this is in Middlesex County or another institution that is closer to home.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on Vocational Schools & other useful information, please visit Blog98955
Becky Blog79667

Advantages of Online MLM

When I started on my quest to make money in Network Marketing I began my journey doing Offline Networking with a company called Herbalife. Herbalife sells health and weight loss products for people who are overweight and out of shape. This was my first venture with network marketing, although I had heard of it before. I had gotten a little direct mail piece about them, read over it and got excited. So I immediately sent off for the rest of the materials that were required. Once I got everything rolling I realized that selling health products and dealing with overweight women weren't exactly my cup of tea and eventually I ended up quitting.

The next Offline Network Marketing experience I had was with a company called Quixtar. I went about my quest trying to build this big downline as I had done with Herbalife. My experience with this company was better because I could identify more with the concept, but I grew weary of going to all the meetings and constantly having to hound people about signing up. Needless to say I quit again.

After having quit two offline network marketing companies I began to realize that I hated approaching people and going to all of those corny meetings. I still saw the potential and power of Networking, but I hoped and preferred for a way to do it entirely from my home without having to leave . This is when I discovered On-Line Network Marketing!

With On-Line Network Marketing you don't have to deal with the traditional hassles of an Offline MLM business. You never have to leave the home unless you choose to, you can reach a wider range of people with a couple of clicks of a button. And to add to this there are tools you can use to totally put your business on autopilot. Tools such as autoresponders, list builders, email, signature links and autosubmitters.

This is what makes doing business online so much more efficient and less time consuming than what is offered in Offline/Traditional Network Marketing. The only drawback I see in Online Networking is the some times robotic nature of a cyberspace environment. You'll really never get to meet the people you do business with as well as probably never speaking with them on the phone. In my eyes these are very small drawbacks when compared to the drawbacks I mentioned concerning Traditional Networking.

If you are considering an On-Line Network Marketing business because of the benefits I mentioned, I would say some basic things to look for when choosing are:

1. Good customer/client support systems including telephone numbers, instant chat support, fast and consistent email response.

2. Easy duplication of marketing techniques

3. Ability to automate different marketing tasks

4. Compensation plan suitable to your needs

5. Solid company business history and longevity.

The ideas listed within this article show the benefits of On-Line Network Marketing vs. the drawbacks of Traditional Networking as well as supplying some basic things to look for in choosing an On-Line Networking opportunity.

Copyright © Khalil Bashir

Khalil Bashir is a home business writer. To find a great home business opportunity so you can work at home visit: Blog76209
Cacilie Blog68589

Technology Initiative in Detroit Public Schools

New Technology Partners

The Detroit Board of Education revealed four new key partners in the ongoing technical development of Detroit schools. These partners will work together with Detroit schools for the next five years to improve the quality and access to technology throughout the area. The following companies, three of which are Detroit based, will be part of the program:

VisionIT, which is located in Detroits New Center, has offices in Chicago and Atlanta, and counts Wayne State University, General Motors, Ford Motor Company, Xerox, Dell and Siemens among its many clients. VisionITs services will include management of the data center, network services, application systems, data warehouse, help desk, and field services and technology curriculum. VisionIT will team up with SYNC Technologies, Inc., a minority and woman-owned firm that has been in business for nearly 20 years, and Unisys to execute the contract.

Management Systems Consultants, a Detroit-based firm that has provided e-solution consulting and project management services to various clients for more than a quarter of a century. It will provide web technology services, including the design and maintenance of all websites and web applications.

Universal Sales, a Detroit-based company whose employees collectively have more than 170 years of audio-visual experience.

GVC Networks, a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) that is licensed to provide telecommunications and information technology services in 41 states. GVC Networks maintains a presence in Downtown Detroit.

How the Companies Were Chosen

Detroit schools entertained bids from seventeen companies nationwide before choosing the four technology partners. The competition was fierce and there were some very difficult decisions to be made in the interest of serving the Detroit school population as well as possible. The superintendent, William F. Coleman III, expresses optimism about the new partners, stating: We are pleased with the caliber of the companies that won this contract. Most of these companies are companies that are familiar to us. We know and admire their work. I have no doubt that our students, faculty and staff will benefit enormously from their rich and varied experience.

In addition to their roles as technology providers, the four partner companies will also play another interesting part in Detroit schools. All of the companies will be creating internships for Detroit school students to work and study in the real world. Superintendent Coleman was particularly interested in these internships programs when selecting the companies to win the bid as technology partners. In this way, Detroit school students benefit in more ways than simply having more technology available to them in schools. Students will begin working in internships at the companies and learning important real life skills as well as improving their college applications and professional prospects. These students and many more will therefore see how business and education can work together to provide opportunities for Detroit school students to learn more about the world of technology. The technology partnerships with these four companies are sure to bring new ideas and new products into the Detroit school system and help students compete in the twenty first century.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Detroit schools visit Blog61960
Arda Blog71763

A Review of an Accredited Online Degree From Capella University

The possibility of taking Online degree programs have been one of the biggest direct changes in education due to the internet. It is easy and convenient for working adults to be able to take courses without having to fit classes around their busy schedules or commute to campus. One of the more popular accredited online degree programs is offered by Capella University. This school was founded in 1993 and got its accreditation in 1997. After it was accredited, it changed its name and established five schools: Human Sciences, Technology, Education, Psychology and Business.

The school's headquarter is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Within these five schools, there are about 70 different areas of study with more than 650 classes offered. The Capella school has 650 faculty members, more than 550 employed staff and 13,000 students enrolled in courses. As you can see, this is a real college for higher education with real credentials.

The school has its good points as well as its bad points. In order to draw as balanced picture as possible of this school, let's consider both. It has a special individualized portal for each student, called the iGuide. After you enroll, you're granted secure access through this portal to all the academic information you need. This makes it easy to look at and get an overview of courses and transcripts. Through the portal, you have access to your internet classroom, which they refer to as the 'courseroom', where you can get your assignments and post messages.

Most other schools on the internet have online chats and webcams which often don't work very well. At this school however, the technology is all together and in working order. It has a special system for turning in assignments which is very efficient but still easy to use. Just submit all your assignments as zip files or Microsoft Word documents. That's all you have to do.

The school portal offers access to the alumni center which you can use for networking and looking for employment opportunities. There are many other services available, like access to grants and other public money. Some of the graduates have criticized the alumni center as not being so useful, and being mostly just for show. However, most graduates are very happy with it.

Because this school is targeted to students who are already in jobs, its opportunities for on campus employment are pretty bare. The thought is that the reason you've chosen to study there rather than at a more traditional college is that you are already in a jobs . If you live outside Minneapolis, the school does not offer much in the way of employment for its students.

The school does offer a wide range of services to students with various handicaps. There is a variety of software available, and the staff makes an extra effort to accommodate students with disabilities. The school is consistently ranked high among higher educational institutions for its services for disabled students. There is mobility assistance, sign language interpreter service as well and additional time given to those who need it.

Except from those mentioned about, most other services are somewhat lacking, however. There is a campus bookstore where you can buy various kinds of materials including software, as well as books. Like most college bookstores, you can easily find the same books more cheaply other places if you look around a little. Like most schools, the bookstore is used to make some extra money for the school. But, the easy way out of this, for you, is to buy the books you need on the web somewhere. There are lots of services available for buying textbooks online. In spite of this, the Capella school is quite affordable. There are more and more schools coming on the web every year, and those that want to stay must be competitive.

At Capella, there are five schools within the college. They should be considered or reviewed separately in terms of quality. While the Human Sciences, Business, Education and Technology schools are quite good, the Psychology school has been undergoing some issues. There have been some problems with the management, and this has affected the overall quality of the program negatively. Because of these issues or problems, the Psychology school has had to keep changing its Dean, and this has also added to their problems. At the time of this writing, the psychology school is still not accredited by the American Psychological Association, even though it has been running this program for so long.

This shouldn't reflect too badly on school as a whole. Remember, there are 650 faculty members, so there is a load of variety. As a matter of fact, the quality of the instructors has always been commented on by the students who have graduated here. One thing criticised by many is that so many of the faculty are part time contractors, and thus do not have the interests of their students in mind as a highest priority. It is also charged that many of the teachers here are new to teaching on the web, and in being unaccustomed to it are unable to give the best instruction to their students. This charge comes particularly from students who have attended masters or Ph.D. programs here and found the quality of instruction at that level to be lacking. It could be that the strength of this school is in its undergraduate program.

This is what most students attend the school for, so it may be that the instructors are better able to teach at the undergraduate level. There aren't many complaints from undergraduate students about instructor or teacher quality, so this may be the case.

At the Capella university you certainly get a bit of everything. Whether this school is for you depends on a number of different factors. Retrieving and submitting coursework is easy. On the negative side, the quality of the teaching or instruction has consistently been lauded, if at times inconsistent. The fact that every education program is not yet accredited probably reflects badly on the school.

Nevertheless, as internet programs go, it is rated high in all areas. So, if you are looking into pursuing a higher education online, weigh your options well.

Nic Haffner is a writer and internet publisher who likes to write about online accredited degrees and educational issues in general. You can read more at the news and in depth information website Blog17920
Brynna Blog87411

So now that your Real Estate Deal has closed...WHATS NEXT?

I am sure that you already know the scenario. The momentum builds up, your paperwork is all in place after rushing for last minute signatures, etc., you overnight your package in and without you even having to be there, you are the proud owner of a new addition to your real estate portfolio. Now that the smoke clears and everyone goes home from the closing table, you may be left with the burning question. "Now What?"

After all the adrenaline and getting to the closing table which takes a lot of patience, attentiveness, organization, etc., you may feel a bit of a let down. Not to worry! Amongst all the excitement of now being the proud parent of a new born project (at least new for your portfolio), you should not forget that there are still items and tasks that need your attention.

Immediately After the close.

After you leave the closing table (if you were even there at all), one important thing that you should make sure that you have is a copy. A copy of what, you may ask? A copy of everything that crossed the table during closing, especially anything that you put your signature on. While this may be a common sense item, it is amazing when I talk with clients and members of our group who say that they did not get a copy. If you did not get it right after closing, then make sure that you request a copy from the group that coordinated the closing, whether it is the attorney, title company, etc. This is something that could save a lot of headaches in the future.

A PARTICULARLY important part that you will need is called the HUD, and is the long legal form that shows all of the closing costs and other money transfers. The reason this is so important is that you will need to provide a copy to your accountant at tax time, or if you do you own taxes, you will need the facts and figures.

Hopefully this next step should have already been started during the initial reservation or letter of interest stage. Again, this is a common sense item but still very important. Make sure that you have a separate file or folder that you keep for this new project. Keep it identified so that you can easily go back and find the project that you are looking for. However you do it is up to you and I am sure that everyone has different ways to organize their files (by State or location of project, address, date of acquisition, type, etc.).

You may even want to have a file for the project and subfolders for individual items such as initial deposit (copy of completed reservation form, check, unit selection criteria, etc.), loan application, closing papers, and folder for post-closing events (such as loan payoff, insurance, taxes, etc.)

The good thing is that you have time; time to get things straightened out and prepared.

Don't Forget the Essentials Whether or not you are running your real estate projects through a company (i.e. you have set up an LLC or other company for the transaction(s)) or you are doing this individually, these next items are essential in having a successful real estate project/experience.

Accounting While the extent to which the following applies will vary according the number of projects you have or the complexity of your business, etc., doing it now will save a lot of headaches, especially during tax time and when you go to sell your project. If feasible:

1. Set up separate bank accounts for the project. Alternately, you may want to lump several projects under one account. One way to group these projects is by project type (i.e. rental units, land-only, etc.). It may be best to check with your financial advisor for their suggestions and advise in this area.

2. If you use a financial Software package, where applicable set-up different sub-accounts for each project. For example, if your receive Rent on several projects you would have Rent Project 1, Rent Project 2, and so forth. This will help track income and expenses on a per-project basis.

3. Keep your financial advisor aware of your recent acquisition. Hopefully already discussed before the purchase, etc.

4. Keep your financial (and other) advisor(s) aware of planned purchases and acquisitions. They may be interested in purchasing for themselves as well and if it is a great deal, they will be thankful for your passing on the information.

Legal One of the common issues that comes up with every new purchase is the following. Has the purchase of your new property changed any liability issues that you may have? You should discuss the new acquisition with your legal advisor (once again, if you have not already done so). One of the main topics for that discussion should be if there are any necessary changes to you coverage or liability protection that may be needed resulting from the new project. Here is another instance of where you hopefully are just continuing discussions with your team of advisor that were started before the purchase.

Property Management if the project has property management built in as part of a preconstruction incentive package (like you may get with a wholesale buying group), make sure that you coordinate with them on issues such as upkeep, maintenance, rent collection, etc. If the management is not part of the incentive package, get some references of Property Management groups that are in the area and do some digging around. If the project is new construction and there is a build out period, you may want to start ironing out the details ~ 60 days before the certificate of occupancy (i.e. before you can put a tenant in place, etc.). With wholesale buying groups, typically discounts can be negotiated if a large enough representation of that group goes with the same Property Manager.

Expenses now for the fun part. Usually, there are bills associated with any real estate project (i.e. Mortgage, Insurance, etc.). Check to make sure that all bills are being sent to your correct address; make sure that the mortgage payments are being sent to your home/office address and not to a PO Box in, for example, Las Vegas as I have heard may occur from time to time. As a helpful hint, if you need to do an address change the US Postal Service offers a free service to have your mail routed from the incorrect address to the correct address; you need to go to your local post office and fill out the form Vs doing the on-line submission. This will help get any mail that is "sitting in the wrong box" over to you directly while the vendor is correcting the address in their system.

Another thing for you to verify are the numbers. As expenses start rolling in, you may want to verify that the actual expenses are what you had planned for during your initial analysis. If there is a large discrepancy, find out why and also take the actual values into consideration in any of your spreadsheets or project evaluation forms.

Plan for the Future

Phew! Ok, so now the smoke has cleared (or at least, thinned out a bit). You have done all that you can do for the time being with respect to the closing of this project. Do you just sit back and then wait until it is time to exit the project? The answer, as you may have expected, is NO! Based on your own investment strategy (or at least the initial strategy which prompted you to get involved in this project in the first place), plan regular evaluations of the property to make sure that it fits your portfolio and your initial investment strategy. It may be a good idea to have a folder with the rules and thoughts written down as to why you first got into the property, and your initial thoughts for the exit as well. This way, you can revisit these items and re-evaluate the property and or your strategy as well.

Once you do your review, plan on meeting with your advisory team to share ideas with them and to see what their inputs are as well.

Copyright (c) 2006

Michael C. Zari is a founder of , a real estate investor and entrepreneur. His works have been referenced in many venues including the New York Times and USA Today. To continue to get weekly thought-provoking articles, go to and sign up today!Annecorinne Blog96491
Arluene Blog58225

Leveraged Income

Linear Income Vs Passive Income

At a very recent party , during the dinner hours I could meet a very notable industrialist . I am quite younger to him , rather he was quite senior to me age wise too. Incidentally , he happened to be a professional friend of my father , and he had seen me quite young , as a child.

He was quite amazed and asked me , What do you do ? Business my answer. I told him that I run a manufacturing unit , which has 12-13 workmen & 2-3 in staff & get a reasonably good sales turn-over. Here is the conversation between us :

So, this is your business , eh?


I am going out of country for a month , will you join me ?

One month impossible . I cant leave my BUSINESS for a single week also

Dear , if you cant leave your business , its not business , its employment

But I am not orking for anybody

But you are working for yourself & businesses are run without personal presence


I can leave my business for 1 complete year also and when I return , I can see it flourishes

How ? Why its not possible with me ?

In your BUSINESS , YOU are the system , there is no ther system , you are self employed

What is the difference ?

You will get paid till you work : Linear Income , I get paid even if I dont work I have a system & that system works : This is passive income.

The people who have learnt the techniques of making money , passively , are true businessmen , otherwise they are Employees OR self Employed Is not it ?

Robert Kiyosaki , in his all books , stresses heavily on this point. Building many businesses & buying assets is the key by which people become rich , acquire wealth. By working for someone else , we shall not become wealthy , never!

Saumitra M Ghotikar is a young entrepreneur from INDIA , wishes to share with the world , how he is imroving day-to-day , Visit to improve financial wisdomCal Blog68275
Anita Blog59610

Golf Clubs On A Budget

Having the right golf clubs and accessories can turn a good golfer into an even better golfer. But it doesnt have to cost a fortune to get the equipment you need to perform well out on the golf course. Pre-owned golf clubs can be just as good as brand new clubs and they cost half as much!

Purchasing the right kind of golf equipment does not have to be an expensive activity. There are many golf manufacturers that empty out their inventories by selling their equipment cheap to discount stores. There is nothing wrong with the equipment, it is just that they need to move it quickly so they reduce the price and sell it in bulk to large-scale discount stores.

There are also plenty of ways to purchase pre-owned and a pre-loved golf club, through local trading newspapers and on E-bay and other used goods websites on the Internet. Pre-owned golf clubs will give you the opportunity to save you money on what can be an expensive investment in a hobby. If golf is your primary hobby, then you deserve to have the best clubs to play with because they can make all the difference to your level of performance. Callaway, Ping, Titleist and Nike pre-owned clubs give everyone the opportunity to have the name brand clubs without having to spend a fortune.

These are the brands you will want to seek out. You will usually be able to pick up a full set of clubs for less than half price if you look around. And then you too can say you own a set of the best. As an example, Ping golf clubs are known worldwide as the choice in golf clubs. Ping golf clubs have been the prized possession of many a golfer for decades but because of the price many people opt for the pre-owned Ping clubs instead. Ping is now one of the most recognizable names in golf and this is largely because they make good quality equipment. But as with all name brand golf clubs, Ping clubs can be pricey. Ping golf clubs are generally among the most expensive of all the available brands.

They do excel in performance, but that does come at a price. So how can you obtain discount Ping golf clubs so you dont break the bank? Ping golf clubs are usually custom fit and when you buy, Ping can get the clubs that best suit your game. They have a variety of different lines that are designed for each individual and indeed each individuals game. But this is an expensive way to kit yourself out, so it is best to search out a pre-owned or discount set of clubs if you are a golf enthusiast rather than a professional player. But how can you do this? Easy.

There are two options for purchasing discount Ping golf clubs. Firstly, you can head to your local sports warehouse where they sell name brands at discount prices or you can let your fingers do the walking and purchase a set of clubs online either pre-owned or brand new. If you do decide to purchase Ping golf clubs, you will simply fall in love with these clubs. They are of the highest quality. They will perform for you every time. Ping golf clubs are among the best in their class. These clubs are favorites all over recreational golf courses across the world.

Eoin Kane is the editor of a top website, and he also runs a site about http://www.mytvreviews.comAllyson Blog45580
Ann Marie Blog93443

Sending a Child to College? Use a Professional Philadelphia Moving Company

Every year, around August, a large number of young adults head to college. When it comes to going to college, there are many students who are making the decision to leave home. This decision often means relocating to another city or state. If you are the parent of a child that is about to go off to college, it is likely that you will need to move them. If your child is planning on renting in their own apartment, they may need to bring more of their belongings than most other students. That is why you may want to think about hiring the services of a professional moving company.

When it comes to hiring the services of a professional moving company, there are a number of different things that you should consider. Perhaps, the most important thing to keep in mind is where your child will be attending college. If they are planning on moving to or even from the Philadelphia area, you may want to consider hiring the services of a professional Philadelphia moving company.

If you are interested in using a professional Philadelphia moving company, you will first have to find a company to do business with. This can easily be done by using recommendations from those that you know, the internet, or a Philadelphia phone book. Once you have familiarized yourself with a number of Philadelphia moving companies, you will want to contact each moving company for additional information. When contacting Philadelphia moving companies, it is important that you ask a number of questions.

One of the questions that you should ask is how far their services extend to. Depending on where your child is traveling to or from, you may find it difficult to find a Philadelphia moving company that can offer you service, especially if that distance is long. With that being said, you should be able to find at least one moving company that can offer you assistance; however, it will be important to note the cost. Typically, the longer the distance, the more a professional moving service will cost.

Including the cost and the areas serviced, it is also important to ask about the services that are included in the cost. If you are unable to assist your child with unpacking their belongings, you may want to acquire the service of a Philadelphia moving company who can. While most movers will not physically help your child unpack, they will unload their belongings. In fact, most professional movers will even take those belongings to whichever room your child wants.

After you have asked these important questions, and others, you may want to compare your results. It is likely that you will find that not all moving companies cover the same areas, offer the same services, or charge the same amount of money for those services. To find the Philadelphia moving company that can best assist your college bound child, you want to compare the services offered with what you need. Doing so should result in the perfect match.

Ted Garvin is a writer for where you can find the best Philadelphia Moving Company around and other related information.Ambur Blog79710
Celia Blog54655

Panama Offshore Merchant Account

As part of your asset protection strategy you may wish to utilize an offshore merchant account to process credit card sales for your business. Fees are going to vary depending on volume and what you are selling. For a merchant account in an offshore (friendly) country the cost is usually 7.00% 8.50% depending on product, average ticket, etc. The merchant account introduction is $495.00. There are no cheap offshore merchant accounts.

We do assist clients with obtaining offshore merchant accounts. There are no anonymous merchant accounts. Even though you are using an anonymous Bearer Share Corporation the merchant account corporation will want to know who you are with identity documents and financial information on the company and principals. They generally pay weekly with about a 3 week delay until you receive funds. They will gladly wire the funds into a Panama bank account. The merchant account company requires a minimum of $20,000 a month in billing for the last three months as a minimum. Start-ups are not considered. They will ask to see your existing merchant account billing statements for past few months. If you do not have them and are a new business we can not get you a merchant account. The processor does not begin to realize any profits until the client bills $20,000. We do understand there is a gap here for a startup company but please bear in mind we are a law firm assisting our clients we are not a bank. We do welcome questions but please realize we have no control over certain parameters. Also please realize if your chargebacks run too high you will be at risk to have your account closed with the funds held for six months to settle any chargebacks coming in later on and this is contractually stated. We are not offering merchant accounts for hi-risk merchants that have a lot of credit card fraud, chargebacks and other cardholder queries. If you get a lot of chargebacks or credit card fraud this program will not have a happy ending for you.

If you wish to proceed please fill out this online secure application form and we can contact the merchant account company for a preliminary position on whether or not they will accept you. The final decision is made after all the documents are collected.

Secure Merchant Account Application Form

If the chargeback rate exceeds 1% or 2% depending on the company, the account is subject to closure. Sometimes, note we said sometimes, the merchant account company will not close your account but instead work with you to reduce chargebacks if your rate is 3% or less (a general rule not a firm policy and there is variance from company to company). This is not an absolute but usually they will attempt to help you reduce chargebacks. This can be by blocking countries with high fraud rates, blocking proxy servers, doing telephone verification of orders etc. Be careful if you get a lot of chargebacks this is not for you. Inquire. We do not take adult, internet or online pharmacies, gambling, gaming, sports book, MLM, or illegal products.

When looking for a merchant account that is offshore be aware of unscrupulous companies that specialize in keeping merchants funds as their only real means of making profits. The scams are not really scams but you are set up to fail. A contract is created where you have to keep chargebacks down to 1%, the visa guidelines. Remember the average internet merchant gets about 3% in chargebacks so already by statistics you are doomed. You are told and agree in writing to having your account closed down if you exceed this 1% figure and your funds held for six months. Now you start processing and shipping goods. They say they'll pay every two weeks but there is a two week holdback so that means four weeks until a wire is sent well OK what can you do so you start. Well at the end of the four weeks there are some more delays, perhaps you are told a wire will be sent, is sent, was sent, came back with wrong instructions, the correspondent bank has it, whatever. So now about six weeks goes by and you are still shipping and have no money. Ok so you call them up every day, scream at them etc and well by now your chargebacks are starting to come in at a good clip. Many of you reading this are hi-risk merchants and you know it. So then you are told your account is closed per the agreement and come back in six months for your funds. Can you sue them? Sure, but they are in an offshore country remember which means you have to go there, hire a lawyer, post a bond for court costs and face the written agreement you signed with them while they are calling you a fraudster in their court, saying you exceeded visa guidelines endangering their account with visa, etc. Odds of winning are slim and the cost will be $25,000 plus by the time you get a court date and that will probably be a few years down the road and don't forget you just shipped six weeks of orders all with no money coming in. OK now you realize you aren't going to sue them. You decide to play the I hope game commonly found in scams and wait the six months out. Well now some of your money has dwindled away in charge backs that are uncontested because they aren't going to waste time fighting them. Now after the six months is up the money and time wait to sue them is still the same and now you are worn down plus the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow has shrunk. They write you when your lawyer contacts them and they say well you are a fraud, how do we know you didn't submit all these stolen credit cards, we are going to hold your money another few months because someone could have filed a chargeback one day before the six month limit and it will take a few weeks to work through the system. If you spend the money hire a lawyer and sue them in their jurisdiction they will answer the complaint and wait and eventually offer to settle with you for a lesser amount like 15% to 30% just because they can push you down considering your legal expenses, and time delay for trial. If the settlement covers your legal expenses you probably didn't do too badly. Their lawyers get these lawsuits frequently and know exactly how to answer them with no research since they wrote the agreement you signed.

If the above or similar happened to you we can tell you how to turn the tables on the merchant account provider assuming not too much time has gone by. You can still recover a lot of your money, never all but usually a substantial piece of it. The recovery depends a lot on your customer relations, nature of your products and price levels. It is a tested method that will get results fast without not using any court system but we offer this as a service, if we post it on the web site too many people will find out about it and it will no longer be as effective Feel free to inquire but please do not try to probe us as to details.

Now you might ask yourself how the really hi-risk industries like porn with chargeback rates over 30% survive. Easy answer. Some years ago when spam was make a crime in many jurisdictions there was a thinning of the herd in the porn industry, customer acquisition costs became expensive and complicated as well, the porn industry switching from spam to paid link exchanges. Only the large survived this cut. Credit card chargeback ratios used to be more lenient in years past with 2% as the common figure, not 1% but a large account could get away with much higher rates of chargebacks back then. To beat the system the porn people starting becoming merchant account providers using offshore structures to conceal things. They look for a large amount of low risk businesses to process for. This allows them to have an outrageous fraud rate of 30%+ in their porn business and still keep their overall chargeback rate down to 1% for the entire group of accounts processed by their merchant account provider which is really them. Occasionally the visa people may get wise to a lot of chargebacks coming from a particular site and then they just have a different site and corporation process for the same porn site by transporting people to a different payment page that still sets up their passwords and user names for the same site visa doesn't like. This allows them to make an outrageous profit on the porn sites and they give away the merchant accounts at a low rate to attract fraud free businesses. Now these same porn people turned merchant account providers discovered a way to enhance profits and make themselves look cleaner to visa, and that is to rip off inexperienced hi-risk merchants as described above. Since they have a lot of low risk merchants to offset the hi-chargebacks their victims will bring in, but their cleanup for visa is they killed the account in six weeks due to hi fraud, see what good guys we are. Now you probably know a lot more than you did before you came to this web site. If you want to get philosophical it is the Visa and MasterCard people that are at fault. As long as they can keep passing the fraud losses on to the merchant they will probably never do anything meaningful to stop fraud.

Ronald Edwards is a researcher, with years of experience in finances and real estate.Bathsheba Blog24700
Catlee Blog4926

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